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sketcher / curve problem


New member
hi if anybody can explain to me what is going on here then thank you very much.

i am trying to use the fill comand and trying to sketch on a datum plane. here is a picture of the plane i am trying to sketch on.

and here is a picture of the part at an angle to give you an idea of its form. the datum plane which i am sketching on isattached to the surface hi lighted in pink on the side of the arrow and it is parrellel to the rightdatumplane.

and this is what i have been trying to sketch, i am copying a part and have got this sketch by edit definition of this feature. but i haven't been able to replecate it as of yet. i am asuming that the top and bottom arcs are concentric but i do not know what the symbols on them are( pointed to by the arrow), does this mean they have been done another way. i have tried using concentric arcs but as soon as i click on one of the arcs that it looks likethe arc i am creating should be concentric to the cursur just reverts back to being on arrow tool and concentric arc tool is no longer selected. i understand that the arcs i first click on to try andmake the concentric arc is not on the sketching plane as the sketching plane is floating in the middle of nowhere, is this the problem? or do you know what i am doing wrong/missing out and how to create this sketch? if you can explain this to me it will be a big help.

thanks checkmate.

Edited by: Checkmate
What is going on???

U can say better man!. Tell us what happening?? what massege appeares? feature fails or what??

This is strange. There is a .100 dimension at the bottom-left of his sketch. This would indicate that he offset the one edge by .100, but why would he also have the "use edge" constraint? Maybe there are 2 entities, one on top of the other, and that is why this sketch fails.
basically the third picture is not my work it is from a feature i am trying to copy. the dimension at the bottom left is actually 1.00 not 100. and when i try and draw the top and bottom arcs which apear concentric to me the tool i have selected is the concentric arc tool but as soon as i select an arc to use its midpoint the concentric arc tool is unselected and just the swiches back to being on arrow tool? there are no messages! why is it doing this? how where the arcs drawn? does it happen because the arcs iam clicking are not on thesketching plane? howdo i then drawwhat is in the third picture?
"... one edge by .100, but why would he also have the "use edge" constraint? ..."

Think there is an Edit, Convert function that allows unequal Offset Use Edge projections.
Edited by: jeff4136
thanks jeff u promted me to realise that they are edge ofsets, u were close and i wouldn't have realised it with out your promt so thanks!

