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Sketcher palette

Márk Dávid

New member
How do I add a sketch to the sketcher palette in PTC Creo 2.0 Parametric? I have a profile section in .sec format and I would like to import this to the sketcher palette.

Thank You for your time

You can open the "draw_symbol_palette.drw" (in the "common files/Mxxx/symbols/palette" folder), insert your sketch and save.
You can open the "draw_symbol_palette.drw" (in the "common files/Mxxx/symbols/palette" folder), insert your sketch and save.

I don't believe this is correct. Symbol Palette is for symbols that you will add on a drawing e.g welding symblols. Sketcher Palette is used in modeling sketcher and default location is C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 2.0\F000\Common Files\text\sketcher_palette where you will find the shapes categorized as Polygons, Profiles, Shapes and Stars. You can add a new folder and it will show up as a tab in the sketcher palette interface.

