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Sketches and Curves


New member
Within the past 8 months, the company I work for has upgraded from Wildfire 2.0 to 4.0, and then 5.0. I think I noticed this in 4.0, but since it's been a little while I'm just going to reference 5.0. It seems that Pro/E (M050) is now having trouble distinguishing between sketched curves and datum curves. I say this because all newly created sketches used to be a light blue color and now they are brown; the same as datum/copied/etc. curves. I have locally messed with my system colors as well as reviewed the company-wide system color settings and they all reflect the previous color scheme, yet Pro/E will not accept the specific sketch colors. Even while changing the colors in the system colors dialog box, only changes to "Curve" are displayed in the model. Is there anything I can do about this? I know it's not a big issue, but I like to easily be able to distinguish between the two.

Also, I've been chalking this one up to my lack of expertise with layers (even though I've spent hours on learning to manipulate them efficiently), yet sketches and curves are being controlled in the same manner. I was wondering if the issues had anything in common, yet can understand if they don't. I just wanted to have sketches and all other curves go on separate layers automatically, that's all.

Thanks in advance for any Pro/Insight.

P.S. - For the record, I know it's called "Creo Elements/Pro" now, but the window header and default splash screen still say otherwise so that's what we go with around here.
Yes, I am. I turned it off and then Pro/E seemed to better distinguish between the two. Even the layers seem to distinguish between the two now (have separate layers for both with rules). I feel a bit slow considering that's all it was. I just saved the Pre-Wildfire settings, edited the file to have Pre-Wildfire disabled (so that I can have all the colors the way I like them), tweaked the sketcher color settings, and voila, all seems to be working perfectly. Thank you.

