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Sketching a line with geometry/calculus


New member
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew how to draw a sketch curve with a function for example Y distance as a function of x

I am trying to model using calculus and can't find any help on the internet so far.

What I would like to do is create curves that are functions of x (mx,mx^2,mx^3...) to get the shape that I want without eyeballing it with a spline.
The only way that I know of, without examining it closer, would be to insert a line through xyz points. First use excel to define a text document with the points of the curve and save it as a text file. Make sure you have an x,y, and z column of numbers and also not that it is in absolute coordinates not relative to the sketch plane. Then open that text file through the above function.
Well ya i know I can do that but its not exactly what I meant, I wanted to do it as a function like f(x,y,z)=x*y*z not with specific points, because with specific points I could get a close curve but it would still be just a bunch of straight lines between points.

Is "Curve through XYZ point" the closesed I can get in solidworks right now?

