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Slice in Assembly?


New member

I was wondering are you able to edit parts from whithin an assembly.

Basically what im doing is making a steel structure and i have modeled all the different steel members into parts. Once i have oriented these into the correct positions wirthin assembly i was hoping to cut the steel wheere it intersects with the other member.

Kind of like the slice tool in autocad.

I need to do it this way because i have no idea what the actuall member would look like in order to model it correctly from the beggining. due to the funny angles and cuts of the steel....

Any help would be much appreciated. THANK YOU!
not sure if it's the best way, but once you have the part(s) assembled, select the one you want to work with and right click - activate. Now, the part is the active part so you can create features (cuts) on that part and use the edges of other parts to create your features. just select a plan for sketching and create your sketches like you normally would. If you create a cut, only the active part will be cut so it should work.

The obvious problem with doing this is the abundance of external references you have just created.

Get rid of the references in the sketcher>references>delete all that do not belong to your model. Then constrain the sketch to the refernces in the part only.


Try to make ahand sketch about the steel structurethat want to model first, then make a layout torefer itto the assy, that will have all the dims and instersection cuts that you would to have, this is a good method -for me-, if you try to doparametric calculation, because you can try to improve every configuration, through the satict loads, and beam config for example.

The other simple way is to use the EFX -Expert Framework Extension-, which you'll find specialized tools to cuts the beams and to joint them, and so on.

Best Regards.

Pablo ulloa
i just look at that Expert Framework Extension.

thats exactly what im lookin for....tho i couldnt see where i can purchase / download it.


