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Smooth curve across surfaces


New member
I'm trying to use an ISDX curve in Wildfire 5 to span a surface boundary so I sweep another surface smoothly along the curve. I've created two Curve On Surface features within ISDX meeting at the surface boundary with a curvature continuous constraint. The two surfaces are actually also both part of a different ISDX feature and are joined with a curvature continuous constraint.

A reflection analysis shows the surface joint is reasonable, but there is a bit of a kink if I zoom in. Even though the curves are connected to each other, a distance analysis shows a distance of 0.0008. Not very much but enough to stop the sweep from working properly ( A noticeable kink forms).

I've tried copying the style curve, so I can use the copy as the sweep, but the copy doesn't recognise the two segements of the curve as being tangent.

Does anyone have any ideas what I can do?

Here is an image of the curve and the reflection analysis (I can't upload the file)

View attachment 4739


I've just tried projecting a single curve onto the quilt, but still get the kink where the sweep surface crosses the boundary between the patches in the quilt.

View attachment 4740

I've tried increasing the part accuracy, but get too many failures elsewhere.

Are the 2 surface patches in your quilt continous?
I don't see why projecting a single curve would not work unless the surface you are projecting onto has the "kink" in it.
yeah,it's probably the underlying surface which is not that smooth. you can attach the part or a neutral of that area so we can examine further.
project it instead.If you insist using ISDX then realize that you can force tangent using to separate curves that exist as COS. Knowing you can do it try hard using your shift key to snap one curve to the other curve that is resting on the other surface patch.
Edited by: design-engine
Thanks for the help.

As shown in the second post, I did try using project. I successfully added a curvature continuous constraint between the two COS curves, but found the project better.

I needed to create a second rail for the sweep, and the found the problem was extending the section sketch too far beyond the rail making the radius too tight for a decent sweep.


