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snapping sketches to points


New member
I creating a bunch of data planes that sit perpendicular to a trajectory curve. In order to facilitate exact placement of sketches with top edges that intersect the curve, I have created datum points at each intersection of datum plane and trajectory curve so I can see where the curve intersects each plane. I am placing the sketches from files.

The only problem is that I need to place the sketches very precisely but cant seem to get them too sit right where they are supposed to on the trajectory curve. Whenever I place the sketches, it looks like they are sitting right on the datum points when I am placing them, but then when I zoom in it becomes clear they are not. Is there any way to get the placement to snap to the points? I cant zoom in much to place the sketches because then the handle for moving the imported sketch is zoomed off the screen

View attachment 2327

Edited by: 2ms1
To exactly align the vertexes of the sketch to the points, first thing is the add the points as "reference" features to the sketch. To do this, redefine the sketch. While in sketch mode, on the top toolbar, select Sketch, then References.

View attachment 2328

Now select each point that you want as references. When finished, select Close. Now you can align your vertexes of the sketch to the points. To do this select the "Add constraints" button on the sketch panel. Then select the "Align button:

View attachment 2329

Now pick each vertex, then the aligning point. As you pick them, the sketched vertexes should snap to the points.
another thing to think about is that you can move the snap handle in the context of the red sketch preview and you dont have to use the original location of the snap handle. You can do this by right clicking on the snap handle, this allows you to move it. By left clicking on the handle it moves the sketch in the context of the sketching environment.

This is an important tid-bit when importing sketches. This should help you out some. By using the method stated above you could stretch/skew your model in unwanted ways. So you should use a combination of both solutions posted.


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