In sketch mode, how do you snap things (ie make sure they line up with) to things in the part that were not created within the sketch you are working with?
For example, lets say you had a datum plane in your part model that ran through two datum points. Then let's say you went into sketch mode to draw (on the datumplane)an arc that connected the two datum points.
The datum points aren't actually in the sketch, of course, although you can see them. Is there any way to snap to them even though they aren't within the sketch?
Edited by: 2ms1
For example, lets say you had a datum plane in your part model that ran through two datum points. Then let's say you went into sketch mode to draw (on the datumplane)an arc that connected the two datum points.
The datum points aren't actually in the sketch, of course, although you can see them. Is there any way to snap to them even though they aren't within the sketch?
Edited by: 2ms1