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solid image


New member

Is it possible to insert a 3d view of the object whose drawing is being made as we view in part mode. That is in general /isometric view we get only a wireframe view of the model. What i need is a solid model wihout using the insert object feature in drawing.


Dear Sudhish,

I believe you wish to insert a shaded flat picture of the part in the model.

If so, you may capture the screen (press printscreen)and paste in drawing as an OLE object.

pmack , you mean the function I mentioned will be available in WF 3.0 only?(the forum post was a really long one). Thank you .

Thank you srinivasiyer1 for your time but i needed the image without the screen items like buttons etc.

sudhishjoseph said:

Thank you srinivasiyer1 for your time but i needed the image without the screen items like buttons etc.

Well... Buttons need not come if you File--->saveas .jpg file. the only problem is it will not update to any changes to model.

