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Solid works and Nvidia 8600 GT


New member
Hello. I am using solidworks 2004 on a dualcore 2 Ghz and Nvidia 8600Gt graphics card. The problem is that is moving realy slowly in 3D and drawings. If I enable "opeGL softaware" mode it runsa little smoothjer but stil not like I'm used to. DO you have any ideea of what the problem could be.
The OS is WINXP_pro , directx 9.0C.
On my previous congiguration, on which I've worked for about 3 years I didn't have this kind of problems, but the videocard was an ATI 9600 pro.
Sorry for my bad english.

Thank you
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Sorry for double - post but i see that 30 people have een my question and nobody answered.
Anyone ??
People may read your question, but not have an answer, soyou will often find lots of views but no answers.

the Nvidia 8600Gt card isn't listed as a certified card on the solidworks website; however, they only go back to 2006. It may be the 8600Gt didn't exist in 2004?

Also, if you right click on your desktop, choose properties, choose the Settings tab, and click Advanced, then click the tab that lists your card, you should be able to access a menu (something like Performance andQuality Settings)somewhere that allows you to set the application you want the card and driveroptimized to.

One of thesoftware packages listed on Nvidia certified cards is SolidWorks. It may also be there for non-certified cards, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's not.

Hope this helps.

Edited by: SSLaser

