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solidifying a part


New member
Gentlemen, Is there a relatively simple technique to fill in elaborate voids in parts? I would like to solidify and 3D print parts.They are too fragile to produce otherwise.


One method is to heal the geometry of an imported file (STEP, IGES, etc.). Another option is using copy surface to fill in the hole or void (see below).

To Copy a Surface Excluding Patches and Holes (Pro-E help menu)

  1. In the graphics window, select the surface or
    surfaces to copy.

  2. Click Edit > Copy. The
    selected surfaces are copied to the clipboard.
    You can also copy the surface
    by pressing CTRL+C.

  3. Click Edit > Paste. The
    copy surface dashboard opens.
    You can also paste the
    surfaces by pressing CTRL+V.

  4. Right-click in the graphics window, and select
    Exclude Surfaces and Fill Holes from the shortcut menu.
    Note: You can also select this
    command from the Options slide-up panel in the

  5. Select a closed loop of edges surrounding the hole
    you want to exclude.

  6. Click check on the
    dashboard. Pro/ENGINEER copies the selected surface or surfaces and excludes the
    specified holes.
These threads contain more information on filling gaps in a surface:

Just Fill Hole?: [url] 116&KW=fill+holes[/url]

Bad Surface: 963&KW=fill+holes

Edited by: c_thompson_68
bjk2, your question is too general ...
however, if "voids" are not completely closed, i.e. they do not form separate shells from the rest of a solid you may use a "remove" feature. You need to select all surfaces of the "void" and then use "remove". You'll get extensions of adjacent surfaces which close all necessary gaps.

c_thompson_68, your reference to 2005 thread is kind of obsolete ... there was no remove feature back then ..
"remove" feature is just one more misleading name.
Actually, it has nothing to do with removing features.
It removes surfaces which may belong to different features and is completely geometrical operation, no features or history are involved, thus, it is under "edit" menu. It works on any type of import-export geometry.


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