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SolidWorks 2005 APC benchmark


New member
Hey, I'm on the lookouts for a laptop. I just read that the Dell M65 scored 1.77 in the APC Graphics test. My question is if anyone, with a non-quadro card has used this benchmark? I would like to compare the Quadro 350M card with something like a Go7600 (or the likes).

I really hope someone can help. I'm having doubts as if the "baby" quadro actually is any better than the regular go cards..
Tell me where to get the APC graphics test and I will give it a whirl on my
Macbook Pro (yes it runs windows natively and does so wery well and runs
Solidworks really well...)

Funny, I try and run APC and I get a "Please run SolidWorks once before running Benchmark, Run SolidWorks once and try again"

Errrrr ok? I have run it and I have after the message run it and closed it and then tried and the same message, then agin but leaving SW open, and again with the 2007 beta install. Still get the error????

Weird, anyhow ship in a bottle after 50 rebuilds is 35.59375 seconds plugged in and unplugged is 40.3125 seconds

Dang, I don't use Solidworks, I'm a PRO/E user so I wouldn't know.. Isn't there a README file there with instructions?
Ya there is a read me but it does not help

FWIW I right out of the gates would recommend the MacBook Pro, here is why

1. You can hook up to any internet connection and surf knowing your computer is not going to self destruct in OS X
2. You have the graphic editing, movie editing, DVD burning, Music editing software with the book that is better than most paid for windows programs, and operated better with large graphics
3. You have both main Os's so if a client needs something in OS X you can provide it
4. My usagae so far (and this is a subjective comment so take it for what it is worth) compares it to a M90 Dell.
5. The M90 I have used cost twice the price of the mac book although now it is about 1700 more but still a substantial savings.
6. OS X is fun to learn and to be honest very very user friendly with tons of onlie help at the apple site
6. You can run windows via boot camp natively very well
7. You can get Parallels software and run both os's at the same time although the performance suffers obviously but is still managable

I'm sure it's a very good machine, but the M65 is more in my price-range.Too bad those macs are "a tad" overpriced.

Thanks a lot for the effort!

