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Solidworks 2011 Crashes on "open file"


New member
Hello All,

This will be my first post, even though I have been reading various posts here for some time.

Hopefully I'm in the correct area of the forum...

I've been running various versions of Soildworks (2007 - 2011) on a Toshiba Sattelite x205-SLi, 32-bit XP Pro / Vista Home and Windows 7 (individually) Core2 DUO processor, 4GB RAM and dual nVidia GeForce 8600M cards. Except for not being able to use RealView Graphics, the laptop worked PERFECTLY on the OS's, through SW 2009.

About a 14 months ago, I started using Win7 exclusively with an install of SW2009. Everything was great until I installed 2010... and it has only gotten worse with 2011.

In 2010, SW would start fine, but the program would crash when I tried to open a file or start a new part. The program would hang for about 10 seconds, crash and the program would restart. I would then have no problems until I started a new session of Solidworks, usually the next day or later.

Running 2011 has proved to be even MORE of a problem. I did a remove of 2010 and install of 2011 with the downloaded updates from SW. The problem reared its ugly head on the 2nd or 3rd restart of SW, but this time, the crash would repeat itself over and over, preventing the abilityto open any files.

I uninstalled the software and used a registry-cleaner tool, and reinstalled 2011 to a fresh directory. Thinking it might be a conflict with Windows Explorer, I did not install Solidworks Explorer or the PDM product. The program worked fine for one or two sessions-- then the problem came back. Crash with "open file" and repeated crashes for 3 or 4 restart attempts. I found that if the "send a report to Solidworks" dialog box popped up with the option to restart the program-- it would run fine. Until the next "new" session of SW.

Running the Rx program gives ALL green checkmarks except for the video card (expected), but c'mon.... its an nvidia card and I never had any issues before 2010!

I know every is going to say to contact my VAR, but this is a "home install" using one of our corporate seats on my personal laptop.

The video cards can't be upgraded (believe me, I've checked) and my only other option is a newer business class workstation, which most of you probably know isn't cheap!

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this type of crash or if it is limited to me!

Thanks in advance for your response....


Tim Zollers
I wanted to add to what I have already posted:

I am currently running Windows7 / 32-bit, all available updates and service packs, and the latest nvidia drivers for my card. Solidworks 2011 was clean-installed with the SP 1.0 downloaded.

With a fresh reboot of Windows and start-up of SW2011, when I try to open a file from the "open file" button, the system hangs and SW crashes. Repeatedly.

I checked the display setting in SW and OpenGL was unchecked, and checking it did not help.

However, if I am in Windows Explorer and choose to open a file choosing "open with", SW launches and the file opens fine. If I close the file and try to open a new file-- SW again crashes. IF I leave the part file open (in session) and try to open a new file through the SW menu-- the file opens fine.

I don't know if there is something going on in the registry, if there is a faulty DLL or what the issue is.

If anyone has had a similar problem or a possible solution-- I'm open for suggestions.

I think I found a fix for the crash to desktop issue.

Go to C:\Program
Files\SolidWorks Corp\SolidWorks right click on SLDWORKS.exe select
properties from the menu, click on the security tab, click advanced,
select owner tab, click edit, click other user groups, type 'everyone'
for the object name, click ok, click apply, click ok for prompt, click
ok and ok to exit owner window.

Back at security tab click edit, click add, type 'everyone' for object
name and click ok, now use tick boxes to asign full control to the user
everyone, click apply and ok and ok again to exit properties. Should
open with no issues.
grafixgeek... maybe this is something I will look into on my 32bit install.

My work-around was to do a clean install into a 64bit Win7 OS. This gave me several advantages-- more speed, a lot less junk in the registry and access to full RAM addressing (4GB as opposed to the 3GB limit of 32bit).

The move to 64bit has eliminated the majority of crashes and I no longer crash trying to open a file.
Me and my boss got exact same computer configuration, and he had the same issue in SW 2010. Got it fixed with installing 2011, but he told me that after a couple of sessions he started getting a similar problem, when he tries to save his files the program just exits without any error message. It does show some freezing when it pops up the "save as" window.

Myself I only have problems when trying to open the first file after a decent time of inactivity on my pc ( more then 8 hours ), it freezes for over 2 minutes and seems to catch a second breath then and doesn't crash but opens the file for me anyway.

I guess i'll try the fix Grafixgeek supplied before, but since you didn't respond anymore I was wondering if you got your issue solved or not.
I have similar problem where the program crashes when i try
to save or save as any file.

I tried grafixgeek solution but still the progress occurs

