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SolidWorks and ProEngineer on same Comput


New member
Has anyone had experiance or issues running ProEngineer Wildfire and SolidWorks on the same computer. We are planning on runnng both for a while and I would like to be able to flip back and forth between them.

I use both on the same laptop. When operating outside of a PDM system, I have occasionally noticed crashes when both are running simultaneously. I believe the crashes occurred with loading SolidWorks files from the same working directory that Pro-E is referencing.

I typically do not have both SW & Pro-E open at the same time (to reduce potential for crashes), and do so only when necessary. As with having two sessions of Pro-E or SolidWorks at the same time, the potential for crashing is probably a memory issue. I use Win XP x64 (64-bit) with 4GB RAM on my laptop. Frequent defraging of the hard drive seems to improve performance as well, and use the SW Rx to clean-up temp files created by SW.

If the assemblies are small (or parts not too complex), it should not be an issue on a 64-bit system. The more RAM, the less likely this is to be a problem. I have heard that Windows 7 utilizes RAM more efficiently than XP or Vista.


Edited by: c_thompson_68

As long as you don't try to acces the same file at the same time, they will run pretty much independantly of each other. Just do your homework on the graphics card & processor, and make sure you have enough RAM for the models you want to work with. You will only need 64-bit if your work regularlyrequires more than 3 Gb RAM.

I've run ProE, SW, and a handful of FEA/CFD tools on a 32-bit dual core for many years now.

Good Luck!


