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Solidworks Problem


New member
Hi all,

I just installed Solidworks 2001Plus on a new XP pro machine and am having trouble. When I go to sketch everything I draw dissapears. Never had this problem before...I checked all the settings and everything seems normal. Anybody have any ideas or seen this? Thanks...
I would check what is checked in the drop down menu "view" to see if sketch is checked or possibly "hide all types" is checked off......
I agree with "ridein"

click view and uncheck the (hide all types box)
then click view and make sure sketches is checked.
should work....or

check weather SW2001 can run in XP.
maybe try to reinstall SW.

where are all the GURU moderators on this forum??

Edited by: petemac
Ok, making sure sketch was checked and "hide all types" was unchecked was actually the first thing that I did. I tried it againwith no luck. If I make a sketch (the lines dissapear after I draw them) and close it, the sketch appears. As soon as I go to edit it again, the screen goes blank. As I move the pointer around the screen, lines become selected as it passes over them but then immediatly dissapear when the pointer moves on. Besides this problem, Solidworks seems to be running just fine. The other new XP computer here with Solidworks does the exact same thing.

Is it a service pack 2 issue? If so, is it bad to uninstall SP2? Thanks!!
I just found out that Iwon't be able to uninstall SP2because it was pre-installedand is part of the XP operating system...
Figured out the problem - Its the Nvidia quadro nvs 285 graphics card that came with the new computer...

Wen I check "use software openGL" in the system options everything works just fine.


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