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SolidWorks Problems


New member
Whenever i open up solidworks, everything seems to run fine but when i go to make a new part it gliches. When i start on a new part the background image that shows when you first open solidworks stays on top of the drawing plane for the part, so its basically like i am drawing the part without being able to look at it. ANY HELP AT ALL WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED.
I tried that and the screen just flashes, then the background pops back up. This is really frustrating.
Dahkness said:
Whenever i open up solidworks, everything seems to run fine but when i go to make a new part it gliches. When i start on a new part the background image that shows when you first open solidworks stays on top of the drawing plane for the part, so its basically like i am drawing the part without being able to look at it. ANY HELP AT ALL WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED.

when u want to start drawing, just click on that image.

it should go away
When i click on the image it will stay up for about 2 seconds, sometimes less, then it will go back to the background image. I have tried uninstalling SolidWorks twice and reinstalling it. It does the same thing every time with the background.
Default Planes in SW parts have the Datum Planes Hidden unless you change your start template.

If that's not the problem then get a better Graphics Card. If you have Real View enabled turn it off or use a plain color background.

The Datum Planes aren't the problem, it's the main background that appears as soon as you open up solid works. The one that opens up with the new part is also getting covered up by the main background. I am pretty sure it is not my video card that is the problem either considering i have a NVidia 8800 GT. i have been trying to change the main background from that grey SolidWorks one but i have not figured it out yet. The only background i have been able to change is the one that opens up when i create a new part, but that is not the one that is giving me problems.

Edited by: Dahkness
I have a 8500 GT at home but I don't Believe it's supported for SolidWorks. SolidWorks best on Quadro FX or the equivalent supported ATI cards I won't play favorites but ATI has supposedly done development on their cards. I tried to get a rep from each company to battle it out at SW world to convince me their companies had the better card.

NVidia Quadro Cards are specifically designed for use in CAD systems and not Gaming or Multimedia systems as the GT cards are designed for. Performance tests or capabilities listed on your card box no matter how much ddr or other video ram means nothing in the CAD world. Another thing to think of is that cards with higher RAM on them take away from your systems available ram.

The main option I can recomend besides getting a cheaper priced supported card would be to turn on your Software Open GL in the Systems Options Performance tab.

Well i think i may have figured out the problem. Even though on the back of the CD case it lists Windows Vista as being compatible for the 2007 version, on the website is lists Windows Vista as not being compatible with the 2007 version of SolidWorks.
Try that: In the tree manager right click the SOLID BODIES of the part. First option is SHOW if the solid body is hidden or HIDE if the solid body is shown. If this option is SHOW that meens that your solid bodies is hidden and THIS is(probably)your problem. If not.... sorry. Good luck !
That didnt fix the problem, but thanks for the idea! Im communicating with SolidWorks to try and fix the problem, but still no luck

