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Solidworks Student


New member
I have Pro/E student who knows solidworks and SDRC Ideas. When I was showing him the hole tool he asked ... "like in solidworks". I guess there is a tool in solidworks that will let you choose from a list a thru hole. A clearance hole for threaded bolts. I poked around on the tool and did not see that pull down. Comments?
I poked around with the hole wizard in Pro/E. Let me explain a little better.... for example. Take a 1/4-20 taped screw in one part. I get that!

The mating part needs to clear the 1/4-20 screw by a standard distance. A clearance hole for a 1/4-20 screw would be a .282 diameter drill.I want to be able to choose off a dialog box a .282 as a standard like one does in solidworks.I personally don't recall solidworks having that standard clearance hold in it's pull down but I don't have solidworks installed anyplace to offer a screen shot either.
choosing the hole type and size ,solidworks offers 3 fit options (close,normal,loose) with default sizes (not quite sure if defaults are standard dimensions)
For Proe:

In the dashboard for the hole wizard there is an icon for the thread. Click on it to remove the thread. It's next to the countersink and counterbore icons.

Now in the profile tab you will see option for close or free fit.

*doing this from memory, I'm running a simulation right now, so I can't give you a screen shot.

In Wildfire 3, if you turn off threads while using the hole tool, the shape dashboard allows selection of a free fit or close fit. I found I could not turn threads off if making a blind depth, but other depth options seem to allow it.

A work around for that is to select the through option, select free or close fit, change back to blind, and uncheck the Include Thread Surface box at the bottom of the Shape tab. However, I think the reason you can't remove the thread by using the icon is that a blind clearance hole for use with a fastener doesn't make sense.

