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SolidWorks to PADS interface


New member
Is there a way to transfer information between SolidWorks and PADs, a PWB design tool? In Pro/E I use .emn and .emp file formats to go back an forth passing bare board outline information to PADS and to get part placement names and locations from PADS into my circuit card assembly.

When I looked for the .emn file format in the save as in SolidWorks there wasn't one so I cannot see how to get the outline info out to PADS.

Or, is there some other method use between these 2 tools?

Hello Tia,

In Solidworks Premium there is an Add-In called Circuitworks.

With this Add-in you can communicate between Solidworks and your Ecad system, file formats are IDF, PADS and circuitworksfiles (*.emn, *.brd, *.bdf, *.idb, *.asc, *.idf, *.cwx).

Solidworks Standard works with an circuitworks lite version. (there is no add-in) With the lite version you can only import IDF, PADS or CWx files. (no export)

With Regards,

Can Solidworks define different components height limit as PROE in PWB EMN file


Previous we used PROE to define different components height limit area in PWB EMN file, so after PADS imports the EMN file to do the layout, if the components height over the limited height, it can't be placed to this area, we tried this in Solidworks, it seems Solidworks can only define one height limit for the whole PCB. I want to check if this is true or if our operation isn't correct.

BTW, below is what else PROE can help for PCB layouy as defining keep in, keep our area etc, it seems Solidworks can't do ,Please confirm to me if it is true. Thanks.

1.2.3. Create a new ACS coordinate system 5
1.2.4. Placing item No. on all mech. components: 6
1.3. PB (blank part) 8
1.3.1. Create a NEW coordinate system on the same place as the ACS into the assy. 8
1.3.2. Create Place Keep-in: will be created on the B-side (component side) of the blank PB 9
1.3.3. Create Route Keep-in: will be created on the A-side of the blank PB 9
1.3.4. Create Place Keep-out on B-side PB: No SMD components can be placed in this area. 10
1.3.5. Create Route Keep-out on B-side PB: No layout-route allowed in this area. 13
1.3.6. Create Place Keep-out on A-side PB: No SMD components can be placed in this area 13
1.3.7. Create Route Keep-out on A-side PB: No layout-route allowed in this area. 13

