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somethings got my goat about SW


New member
I could make myself a list of grievances but one thing that is really getting my goat-tee is in the model tree.
If I use a curve in a boundary for example and I later using insert mode or reorder a curve before the boundary blend, the curve can not be utilized as if it is in the wrong order.

Someone needs to shed some light on this issue before I embarrass myself by complaining ignorantly.
Big complaint from me as well. The sketch is 'absorbed' into the feature, but it still exists in the tree someplace. Very difficult to find it and when you edit it, the model rolls back to wherever the sketch is.

If you expand the feature and drag the rollback bar in between the feature and the sketch, I think the sketch will temporarily show up in its proper place in the tree.
Hey Doug and solidworks folks. Ive been teaching the SW surfacing a great deal this year and did so just last week so it's all very fresh on my head. I have taken the time to (in a positive light) create a rough draft for a list of enhancement requests for SW over on the SW side of the forum. Ill keep adding to the list thru-out the day if anyone wants to chime in feel free.
Edited by: design-engine
That issue with absorbing curves has been the same since I can remember. You would think they would have fixed it by now. If I have the time I create master sketches/projected curves then copy entites into other sketches that are then used in the surface. All a bit of a pain, but makes editing a bit easier.

Bart here is one for your list. The ability to add relations to reference point objects in sketches. And also the ability to flip the end a point is dimensioned from. Basic things really.

Another one - being able to change the radii/fillet type if you redefine the feature.

I could go on all night but it might get boring. Good luck with them listening to you.

Edited by: gristle

Go to Tools > Feature Statistics.
Click - Feature Order column header.

You will see the absorbed sketches show in the feature list in correct creation order before they were absorbed.

One thing that annoyed me besides not being able to copy features as well as proe is the Feature Manager in SolidWorks cannot be detached or customized to the extend of Pro/E. Another flaw with Pro/E is they didn't apply for a patent on Model Tree so late comer SolidWorks did. 884&PN=108&TPN=7

The real problem was PTC didn't apply for patent on a
PARAMETRIC MODELLER so latecomers copied it.

Imagine the price of CAD packages today if they had done
that !
I have to agree, it is a component that should be implemented into the feature inside, but it rather exposes itself to the tree in one way, making it very hard to do some editing and access.

I reckon that it would be a lot better if you gain access to it through a separate model by which you can edit and locate it, regardless of whether your sketch resides.

I've tried SW2013 Alpha and there seem to be a few things
that they are doing that I know I liked and you'd probably
like as well if you saw them.

I've been using SW 2012 quit a bit lately. Some things
are nice, many things are not.

The overall feel and workflow is generally smooth and
logical and consistent. No one could ever say that about
Pro/E. I don't think the UI and programming folks at PTC
have the word consistent in their dictionaries.

On the other hand, SW is frustratingly inflexible.

Rounds can be variable, surface to surface or edge chain
at creation, but cannot be changed after creation.

If a feature fails, it and it's children are left
'hanging'. If I want to delete a feature, however, I
cannot leave it's children hanging, I must delete them.

No way to reroute references, in fact, it's very hard to
tell what the references actually are.

SW generally makes it difficult to bake your design
intent into your model tree like I can do with Pro/E. I
can make Pro/E sing, building a model that I can bend to
my will. SW doesn't seem to be able to carry a tune.

