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Spelling and Punctuation

Den E

Greetings fellow Pro/E geeks.

I can not get over the horrendous spelling and punctuation errors that are evident in the great majority of these posts.
I can forgive the errors from people that post from non English speaking countries, but there is no excuse for all the rest.
Does anyone proofread their posts?
Does anyone share my dismay?
Maybe I am being a little anal about this, but when I read a post that is chock full of spelling and punctuation errors, I feel the author of said post has very little credibility.
Is correct spelling and punctuation becoming a lost art?
I agree, really bad spelling looks bad, makes it hard to read & the author looks like a fool. My solution is use the Firefox browser. It has spell checking built in.

I thought this would be a rant about Pro/E still lacking a spell checker. I can't spell anything so I REALLY REALLY need a spell checker in Pro/E.

I agree that Pro/E should have a built in spell checker.
In fact, I think nearly ALL programs should have a built in spell checker.

Keep on rockin' in the free world.
Den E
I use Firefox and the Google toolbar which has spell check as well, shich I prefer. There's something about the WYSIWYG editor here, however, that messes with both. Sometimes, if I get enough text in the box, the FF checker gives up and quits recognizing mis-spelled words and if I use Google it really messes up the formatting. It interprets the spell checker's green and red bold formatting and puts it in the post.

I guess I understand the rant, but don't think it's a big deal. I'm a horrible typist and end up with a bunch of mistakes, most of which I catch, some I do not. It doesn't help that my spell checkers are hampered by the site code somehow.

I think there are plenty of bright people who aren't good at typing. I come here for Pro|E help, not grammar or spelling.
From my posts over the past 10 years... my spelling has improved.I can type faster. I remember back when the Pro/E exploder ... 1992 and 1993 was relatively new, and all unix.There was no chance for spell check then at all. But email it's often expected to have a grammar or spelling error. Most engineers I went to school with could not spell in the first place.

You send an email to the PTCUSER exploder and it bounces to four thousand users in a minute. With that here is no chance to make a spelling mod after you hit send.

I remember my third grade teacher trying to get me to practice spelling ... she told me people would grade me as a person... on my spelling and choice of words.She was right.Maybe thats why I can't seam to stay married.

Doug... did you get an abstract in for the PTC world event?
Edited by: design-engine
design-engine said:
Doug... did you get an abstract in for the PTC world event?

Nope, I had an idea and planned to write it up Friday night. I got home and felt awful and went straight to bed, forgot all about it. Oh well, next year maybe. Likely won't be able to go without the free entry. :-(
Yes, I believe that writing correctly is a lost art. I just cringe every time I see a post on a forum with glaring errors. To me, it says that the person typing doesn
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this forum has spellcheck functionality (ABC button), although people aren't using it.
I know my english is not that good, and the fact that I'm a foreigner is only a partial excuse, but I noticed this particular thing: I'm Italian and I can read and understand italian posts with lots of mistakes and wrong formed sentences, but when it comes to english, I find it really really difficult to understand "bad" posts :( So this is another reason for trying to write "well", it is better understandable by non english-speaking people :)
skraba said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this forum has spellcheck functionality (ABC button), although people aren't using it.

My company won't allow me to download the software that would make the 'ABC' button functional.
That's why Ihave to use Word if I want to spellcheck something.
I'm the same as Kaeliz, we aren't allowed to install any software so therefore no spell checker.

I've never had good hand eye coordination so apologies for my typing though I do proof read my posts but don't always catch my mistakes.

Apparently the 'Harry Potter' books are very difficult for people to read who don't have English as their first language. We had a Spanish student here and she said she had tried to read the English version but found it too difficult.

I'm with Doug though, I'm here for the ProE and SW posts, help and advice, not for grammar or spelling. or in text language (i wi Doug, ere 4 ProE n SW posts, help & advic, nt 4 gram or spel.
michael3130 said:
I'm the same as Kaeliz, we aren't allowed to install any software so therefore no spell checker.

I've solved many problems with Portable Apps, Firefox Portable for example has an integrated spell-checker

