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Splitting a Surface in Two


New member
Hello, I have a surface (ship hull) imported from ProSurf 3 as an IGES file.
Once I got it in ProE i needed to split the hull into two pieces so it could be
machined however I couldnt get any function I know to split it. I am new to
ProE and don't know much about working with surfaces in it. I tried several
forms of remove material by also trying solidifying and thickening. The
surface refused to solidfy or thicken and each time i tried the remove
material it just ignored it. So someone please help, its urgent I get this
He macman

you can trim it by (1) set your selection filter to quilt (2) select your surface/quilt (3) go to edit>>trim and you can trim it with intersecting datum plane, curve . you can split it by extrude trim and select to keep both sides. If you dont understand, plz tell me again, I will post some pics here how to do.

It is possible that your IGES produces an incomplete surface set ( has holes or breaks) You can sometimes spot this by changing the view to "no hidden" and look for any changes of color like yellow edge lines. Try what Zaki is talking about and then check back here. You may need to do some work to the surface to get a usable set, or copy some of the surfaces and build from that.


Thanks guys, it seems it was a combination of the two. I had to go back into
prosurf and I found one of my points in the bow was off by 0.0005m which
caused a slightly overlapping surface since the hull was symetrical... Once i
fixed that I was able to use the trim command that Zaki mentioned and it
worked. So thank you for the help.


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