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Sportbike setup... Rant


New member
"turn in your solidworks and receive a GSXR 600 after purchasing Pro/ENGINEER"

I took some video of my new Race Bike in action Sunday at Autobahn Country Club in Joliet IL ... thought you guys might enjoy. I purchased a Safety First Racing M4 GSXR 600... and boy it's fast! It is ironic that I would get a Police Race bike. As a 20 something I sent police helicopters back to base to re fuel.

If your not used to looking at videos on your computer you may need to install a typical codec to get it to work. I usually just search Google for 'codec' and install the first one I find then try the video. Then if that does not work I install another. is where I often end up for the free codec install.

Most 600's by the way sound out with a high pitch, this new M4 Suzuki 600 has a different throaty sound.< last run of the day... I was getting a little tired.

[url] vi [/url]< mounted my Point of View camera to the rear wheel to mess around after suspension adjustment. I should have made a video of rear wheel before setup to notice any changes.

I took other videos but they are still uploading. The files above are both 300+ megabytes un compressed so it could take some time to download. My new POV 1.5 video camera is the same camera used by the motorcycle chase bikes videoing for the Tour De France and MotoGP race bikes. was used for the footage. Do they use Pro/E to design that water proof camera?

The bike preformed quite well first time out. Everything came loose after the first run which is to be expected. Had to come in after two laps of my first session because I lost my shifter as the lock nut came loose after two laps. I took it easy first session and tighten everything that came loose. Each session is 20 minutes by the way. For second session I moved the rear sets back to notches to I could get my foot in there. I paid the 80 bucks to get dude from superbike Italia to help me set up the bike.After that the bike rode very different. The set up engineer told me to ride the bike easy after the setup change, so i took it easy...Maybe the suspension was stiffer and and that caused me to get some crazy head shake under hard acceleration out of the last turn before the strait.No big deal after I set the steering dampener tighter. The steering dampener was leaking oil...I wonder how those things work? ... and why is there oil in there?I rode a bit harder the last three sessions and I got video for your amusement. After lunch the front brake showed signs of master cylinder problems. Had to take all four fingers off to pull her in. No big deal tho. That will defiantly need a rebuild kit or replacement before I get on a trailer to Barber Thursday morning.My lap times were 1:10 for the day.

I love my new bike almost as much as I love Pro/E!

"turn in your solidworks and receive a GSXR 600 after purchasing Pro/ENGINEER"

Edited by: design-engine
anyone get those videos to play???I forgot to mention that they the videos were filmed vertical as opposed to wide so you may have to rotate your monitor.

Ill be in Birmingham, AL this weekend for a NESBA.COM event at Barber Motorsports Aug 8 and Aug 9th. Come and say hello to me and my dad as he will be there too. Ill be on a Red GSXR 600 in the Advance Group. A hand full of past students, (engineers working at NASA) are coming down from Huntsville to camp and tell solidworks jokes and horror stories over a barbecue grill and a 30 pack.

Edited by: design-engine
design-engine said:
It is ironic that I would get a Police Race bike. As a 20 something I sent police helicopters back to base to re fuel.

Boy, that sure sounds like a heck of a storyto hear over a few beers.

Didn't you saftey wire the bolts before heading out on the track? I thought that was one of the regs. Of course, I've lost a couple of bolts myself out on various MX tracks...
We (my highschool race buddies) were on dirt bikes and the helicopter was assigned to send us away from the track we built on the boarder of Dekalb and Gwenette county in Georgia. (about 1981) We created a motocross track several years before with my dads tractor on land owned by chevron. The helicopter would start to land and we would just ride off into the woods ignoring the helicopter completely. After several hours of cat and mouse the helicopter left. I assume it went back to Dekalb County police headquarters. After an hour or so the Helicopter came back to harass us again. I simply assumed it went back to base to refuel only to return.

You can rotate those videos using the video card properties in the settings options. Right click in windows and choose properties.

I have rear and front wheel nuts safety wired. Bolts that hold the brakes in too. The rear sets and gp shift are not typically safety wired opting instead for loctite.
Edited by: design-engine
design-engine said:
anyone get those videos to play???I forgot to mention that the videos were filmed vertical as opposed to wide so you may have to rotate your monitor.

I got error messagestrying to play them in Quicktime but Windows Media Player 11 played them just fine. My Dell monitor only rotates clockwise which corrected the view on the "last run" video but made the "rear wheel" video upside down...

Cool videos though. I'd like to seehow HD video of that looksusing the VholdR ContourHD or better yet, the Sony HXR-MC1 Digital HD camcorder!

If you are going to beriding a lot of track days I would take the time to wire tie everything up to racing specs just to be safe. When I raced up at Brainerd there was a story of a guy who rode off into the woodsat turn 3 at 140mph when his front brake lever fell off.A heart attack killed him before the woods did...

Have you had your front forks revalved/springed for your body weight yet?
I had the bike set up by the superbike italia suspension guy who goes to Sportbike Tracktime and the safety first racing team manager took the bike back and set it back to what he had originally. On Autobahn North I turned 1:10 lap times before lunch and 1:11 after lunch with stiffer setup.


corner lean anyone? Just call me sparky. This is the old bike BTW.
Edited by: design-engine
I spun a bottom end bearing at Barber.Reving the Suzuki like it is a Yamaha is a problem. Yamahas rev much higher... upwards of 19 thousand RPM's where the GSXR600 redlines at 16 thousand. good thing Ill have it for my next visit to barber in less than 2 weeks, enough time to rebuild the motor.

And Paul, the Yamaha is set for my weight.... if I weighed 20 pounds less.The Suzuki is set up for my weight.
Edited by: design-engine

Think I go overboard on Duct Tape? Check out those numbers.... I tried to be the letter 'X' but those southerners in Alabama don't seem to have the sense of humor ... so i converted my 'X' quickly to an Eleven.I need new leathers. I spun a bottom end bearing and burned a rod on Sunday.
Edited by: design-engine
Wish I had known about this sooner. I would have been there. As it stands, I'm planning to make the track day at at Barber at the end of next month.
Ill be at the Barber track day in November. November 7 and 8th then I teach a class in Atlanta the entire next week. Maybe Ill drive down and leave my truck/bikes/trailer down there and do both the end of October and November!Your probably doing the 24 & 25 Barber Motorsports Park - Leeds, AL with

One might not be surprised that I meet Pro/E users at every event.
Edited by: design-engine
I paid 6000 for a completely set up 2007 GSXR 600 race bike. I paid 3500 for base seat of Pro/E. You can work deals too just gota play hard ball and use the recession as a start of the conversation.I love recessions.
Edited by: design-engine
design-engine said:
I paid 6000 for a completely set up 2007 GSXR 600 race bike. I paid 3500 for base seat of Pro/E. You can work deals too just gota play hard ball and use the recession as a start of the conversation.I love recessions.

Meant mainly as a little poke, but you get adding on the modules to Pro and the price certainly follows. I agree I like recessions too. I just bought a truck back in March for about 50% off MSRP. If you have the cash and are willing to accept the risk, there are some great deals out there.

Let all do our part and make "Made in the USA" mean something again.
if you want to increase functionality... that is, add moduals with solidworks you can't.You sales rep pushes you to Catia...
Edited by: design-engine
design-engine said:
if you want to increase functionality... that is, add moduals with solidworks you can't.You sales rep pushes you to Catia...

Ouch, that is quite a jump in cost from SW to CA..CA..CA..TIA

