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please tell me whether there exists any method to model a varying pitch spring (varying stiffness compression type) in SOLIDWORKS.urjent reply needed.

Kiik, this reply may arrive a little late for you!

It is of course possible to model a varying pitch spring. Although you want to make a single spring, consider it as if you are joining together several springs of different pitch, each of only one pitch. In other words, make a helix thats right for the pitch of the first section, and then either: loft along it and then make a second helix (with appropriate pitch) for the second section starting at the end of the first - amd so on, or, make all the (different pitched) helixes first and loft along them all in one go.

If you meant a parametric model of a spring in which different pitches could be set (like configurations) then that too is also possible.
You could always get someone with Pro/E to model it for you then export
it to you. It should only take them about 2 minutes to do it.


