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Hello educated people
, lm just a little advanced in ProE and l have found some problems all the time andnow it's SWEPT BLEND.

MY PROBLEM: l need to create a tube with 2 different profile(section). Start of tubewill be SQUARE and end will be a CIRCLE. l suppose to do it with using SWEPT BLEND, but l dont know how to change mergingbetween controls points ofsquare and circle... here is my INCORRECT tube View attachment 4646
IGNORE PNT0 - my mystake.

My problem is, that creating with using BB is too comlicated and lm sure that it does exist any other and much more simplified solution... is it any way how to create these tube quicker and mor simplier? OR is it possble to these tube with using SWEPT BLEND and how to create RIGHT connections between controll points on CIRCLE and SQUARE?

Thx all for any idea... or just link me some good tutorial from youtube and so on...

You can create it using a BLEND by sketching half of the circle and dividing it into two arc segments and half of the square. When creating the surface BLEND select general so you can select the sections if you create them as external sketch features. As you define the sections add blend vertexes at the two corners of the halfsquare or rectangle and at the three points on the circle (end points and the division point).

View attachment 4649
You could use a VSS as Bart says... but i do think a genreal Blend is easier to use . Depending onyour skills in pro/E , and depending on howeasy you want to change the model you should use the feature thats best suited for the situation. Personaly i would go for surfaces.

btw, by a "trajpar Variable section sweep" i guess you mean something like this?

(yes i cheated a bit)

Hi Tobias,

Can you explain how the trajpar works with that VSS. I've never used trajpar before and kind of get what your doing but not exactly.
No problem Michael.

What trajpar really is , is that its "just a valuebetween 0 - 1" .

In a VSS , at the start of your trajectory the value is 0 , and at the end the value is 1. In your sketch, you add a relation and tell i to look at a dimension, and let it also look at trajpar.

For ex. if you sweep a line along a curve (your trajectory) and your sketched line is 10 mm , then if you dont add a relation your line will stay 10mm along the curve.

But if you add a relation that says sd20 (or whatever your din in the sketch is called) sd20=10+trajpar , then at the start your value will be 10 (since trajpar = 0 there, sd20= 10+0 ) And at the end your line will be 11 , since trajpar = 1 (sd20=10+1)At the middle of your curve your line will be 10.5 , since trajpar=0.5 at that point. (sd20=10+0.5)

In the example i posted above , i did the opposite. I told proe to look at a dim, and then wrote my relation to be "sd27=10+trajpar*-10" in that way, my top line will be 10 at the start of the sweep (sd27=10+(0*-10))=10and at the end it will be 0 , since sd27=10+(1*-10) =0

I also use VSS to create springs. In my sketch , instead of changing the length of a line, i choose to change the angle of a line. If i add a relation to change the angle, and tell it too look at trajpar, then i get a trajectory for a spring coil.

In this example , in the first supressed feature i change the length of a line using trajpar. And the 2 second VSS is for making a spring. (the relation for the spring trajectory is "sd6=75+trajpar*360*5" in that way the spring line starts at 75 degrees and at the end its 360*5+75 degrees. so in that way, the number of revs is 5. change the 5 to 2 and you got a spring that has got 2 revs... and so on.


Edited by: tobbo
ohh, btw, in the next lesson we can look at Graphfeature, and how to add a graph together with trajpar to controll yourVSS geometry

Just a quick correction to what Tobbo said:

tobbo said:
But if you add a relation that says sd20 (or whatever your din in the sketch is called) sd20=10+trajpar , then at the start your value will be 10 (since trajpar = 0 there, sd20= 20+0 )...And at the end your line will be 21 , since trajpar = 1(sd20=20+1)At
the middle of your curve your line will be 20.5 , since trajpar=0.5 at
that point. (sd20=20+0.5)

...And at the end your line will be 11 , since trajpar = 1(sd20=10+1)At the middle of your curve your line will be 5.5 , since trajpar=0.5 at that point. (sd20=10+0.5)
Edited by: neuronex
neuronex said:
Just a quick correction to what Tobbo said:

tobbo said:
But if you add a relation that says sd20 (or whatever your din in the sketch is called) sd20=10+trajpar , then at the start your value will be 10 (since trajpar = 0 there, sd20= 20+0 )...And at the end your line will be 21 , since trajpar = 1(sd20=20+1)At the middle of your curve your line will be 20.5 , since trajpar=0.5 at that point. (sd20=20+0.5)

...And at the end your line will be 11 , since trajpar = 1(sd20=10+1)At the middle of your curve your line will be 5.5 , since trajpar=0.5 at that point. (sd20=10+0.5)

Thanks neuronex.... my mistake i mixed up 10 and 20 while writing it..., I updated my post.

BUT , i will stick to that at the middle of my trajectroy the dim of the line will be 10,5, since sd20=10+0,5

Thanks Tobias for explaining

I'll have to take a closer look at it and understand it better though your explanation is a huge help. I'd like to look at the graphs as well sometime.

Thanks again


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