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starting a business durrng a recession


New member
Just got back from NECOCON and picked up a pamphlet from the Tekion booth. Thought it inspirational so posted for you guys.

Perhaps it's time to consider what recession has to teach us about
optimism. What do General Electric and Disney have in common?
Caterpillar, HP and Microsoft? All of these successful, Fortune 100
companies, started up during periods of steep economic decline. GE and
HP- along with Motorola, Converse and Fortune Magazine- were founded
during the Great Depression that began with the stock market crash of
Black Tuesday, October 19, 1929. Still, these companies weathered the
deepest slide of the 20th century and are doing business successfully
today. How did they do it?

For some, the solution was to branch out and diversify; others created
demand with aggressive advertising and promotional campaigns. But
perhaps most successful were those who found new ways to satisfy
needs; those who had original ideas and could think outside whatever
boy they were in. Good ideas always have room to succeed. Charles
Schwab introduced discount brokering in 1974 when the economy was
reeling from the oil crisis of 1973-1974- a controversial new concept
that eventually became part of the financial mainstream. A year later,
with inflation still spiraling out of control, Bill Gates launched a
startup. Bold creative thinking- and a degree of optimism- played a
fundamental role in its success.

The global recession asks us to look beyond the current moment to
think about what business might look like on the other side.
Certainly, it will take some radical re-thinking- and all the human
inventiveness we can muster- if we are to clear a path for sustainable
growth. But untapped opportunities are there to be uncovered. And we
can pool the talents of people at every level to identify, design and
implement real solutions. In the end, it all comes down to people-
that's where new ideas come from. So, it makes sense to design an
engaging, inspiring and healthy human-centered work environment that
creates a context for creativity, teamwork and innovation. And it
helps to remember that everything is temporary. Downturns become
upturns, and it's smart to be ready when the upswing comes.

The sky is not falling.

Edited by: design-engine
Nice article...but...this is worse than a recession as we know it. It's also not over.

Since this is a Pro/e forum, do you think now is the time to start a new Pro/e service of some type? A consulting business, training, etc?

I don't think so. There is no demand for anything out there, other than jobs and gold. Its not just in the US, it's worldwide, and it's not pretty anywhere.
Start the empire Bart, Im in !
Great article Bart,

I've just started a new business in Michigan of all places, and yes there is work and no I wasn't laid off, I quit a perfectly great job to do this.

Any business is about knowing your customers and what they need.

We live in changing times and change means opportunity.

great!This is what Im talking about.If you need any help you have a great resource on this forum of talented folks who can assist even in over night projects.
Hey Andy!

Welcome to MCAD. This site is a great source for Pro/E tips, etc.

Andy is right, know your customer. Also, keep yourself sharp by gaining further knowledge and training.

Hey, I know someone that does Pro/E training...
Now is a great time to start a business, but it is for the brave and those that like Andy-OSD said know how to take advantage of the situation.

I quit Dassault last September to pursue a new business, While I left a perfectly good job I wanted to pursue change. Vuuch brings a new solution to PLM. As part of our plan we decided to be open with what we are doing from day one and work very close with the user community. Therefore even our first prototypes have been available for use and in Feb we launched our publicly available beta.

We are now on beta release two and are looking for people to sign up, try it, use it and all we ask is you tell us what you think. You can read more about at and download the Proe add-in at or sign up for an account at
I like allthe responses to "Starting a business during a recession". I did not start my business during this recentrecession, but I did start it 6 years ago in Michigan. I have had 6 good years with only one slow period. This year has been my best year of all. It seems that some companies are doing very well during these hard times.
Good to hear you are doing well Kent. I started a business in March this year, poor timing some say, others call me Mad. In 5 months I`m now looking at a possible turnover of almost

