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Step file translation into ProE


New member
I have noticed something when importing a STEP file that was generated by AutoDesk Inventor V11 into ProE.

The models come in looking fine. However, they come in as a solid block instead of individual features. These "import features" (as ProE calls them) cannot be editted. I'm also having a hard time assigning colors. They all come in as gray. This makes viewing a complictaed assembly particullary difficult.

I am a new user to ProE but have a lot of experience with Solid Edge v18. With Solid Edge you can tailor the import process for Step files and end up with the imported model have "edit-able" features. In addition, SE allows you to actually open ProE files and save them as SE files (working with files in their native format is always preferred). A feature I was surprised that ProE didn't have. But then again, I'm a REAL new user and don't know exactly what this program is capable of,....yet.

Can someone here give me some tips for working with STEP files? I need to be able to edit imported models/assemblies. Is there an easier way? Otherwise I'm going to need to re-build all the models.

Thank you,
Dominic Greco
Hi there,

Im afraid to dissappoint you, but imported files will always be dead models and not editable. There are no options or 'plug-ins' to import native files from other packages (besides from Catia). You can redefine the import geometry feature, but the funtionality is limited to deleting curves, surfaces, .. and repair of the file.

To be sure it is solid, redefine the import geometry, go to the edit menu and select feature operations, check if make solid and join surfaces are ticked.

To 'alter' the model you can then use cuts to take away material or add things like revolves, protrusions, rounds, chamfers, drafts etc. Changing a diameter for a hole will only be possible by adding a protrusion to make it smaller or to cut it in order to make it larger. You will not be able to change the dimension itself.

Concerning the colors. Are you importing whole assemblies or individual parts? When it is a step of a assembly, also import it to a empty assembly in pro to get the modeltree. All models can then be assigned a color. When it isa part, go to the appearance menu,in assignment select all surfaces and press clear. Change it back to model, select the color and press apply.



