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if it contains closed volume there sgould be no problem with it Robert

first check if there exist pink edges(one side edge - not joined surfaces)?

*if no - pick quilt and Edit > Solidify - but I suppose You have tried it so far, right?

if Yes - there is still chance to solidify this if the surface creates continues shell - Edit > Thickness

if Yes (part two) - all open areas should be closed usind Import Data doctor or simply by creating surfaces in part modeling

I do not know if You are aware of polish Pro/E forum - see my signature, if no put a question there too
as far as i khow, you have to use the restyle tool to get some curves out of the stl file (mesh), then use surfacing or solid features to remodel the mesh from the ground up.

Edited by: solidworm
Faceted b-reps are a different kind of beast. Unless I'm mistaken,
STL imports as a Facet Feature and there is no 'straight forward' way
to make it 'solid' even if it is a closed faceted b-rep. ReStyle can,
I believe, create 'real' (e.g. analytic or spline) surfaces from a
facet rep. Otherwise using something like Rhino's MeshToNurbs
function will create surface representations that can be imported as
quilts / closed shell / 'solid' b-rep object. IIRC, there's also a
way to convert by washing thru Acad with specific IGES export options.
You probably won't like working with the results though, any way you
go about it except creating a 'proper' surface b-rep model.
See also
[url] 630&PN=1[/url]
[url] 861&PN=1[/url]

(someone please do correct me if I'm mistaken)

you can make a "solid" from an STL with Restyle - make manifold option - but it's essentially useless - unless you want to print it with an RP machine for example. it can't be cut with an extrude for example.

ReStyle isn't bad but in reality it's not vey good either.. it's quite limited in what it can do and how it does it. you can drop curves on to it but they become heavy, the intersected lines (with planes only) are essentially useless except for a visual underlay for a rebuild, you can modify the mathematical properties (U and V spans of the surface) which is useful and there is somethignlike the advances surface free form to tweak surfaces but again it's not great. add to that the facet handeling part of it (decimation of facets, hole filling etc) all of which a quite poor in comparrisso to it's competitors - add this to it's price tag 20k.. and it's a dificult sell -

having said that - we bought it - we rebuild from facets all the time.. but only as a visual underlay - it's always a rebuild in ProE and being able to drop a surface on to a section of the facet with reasonable accuracy which can then be easily intersected with a sketching datum plane all within the one package is very helpful.

Restyle is quite good at fitting planar surfs and primatives toSTL's tho... good if its a machined surf..

hope this helps!


