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style feature


New member
hello everybody,

i know how to use style feature but i am not able to get
the dimensions in style feature , plz anybody help to get the
dimensions in the style feature. i am not able to get how much i am
u need to use the style feature together with sketch 'curve' to have parametric control

by using the style feature, u r able to set the end point control
'line' length, however they are not the dimension for drawing..
Like proengineertips, I typically create 2D sketches with dimensions as an earlier feature. then "hang" the stlye curves on the sketched curves where needed by linking them to the curve entity.
Both before are correct. Style tool is suppose to be used to create free flowing geometry when you are not concerned about dimensions. If you are concerned, create parametric geometry prior to the style feature to attach your style feature to, as the people previously suggested. If you are worried that much about dimesions you should look at using standard pro/surfacing such as boundary blends and variable section sweeps.


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