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Style normal surface connection


New member
I am trying to get a style surface in Wildfire 2.0 to be curvature-continuous across a line of symetry. I am using a normal surface connection as shown in the following image. The problem is that when I add the cross-curve that is also shown, the normal connection disapears and I can't get it back.

The second image shows this cross-curve with a normal endpoint. As far as I know, this should work fine. What am I doing wrong?

The file is attached below for your reference.


View attachment 1966

View attachment 1967

2006-03-12_113049_Style_normal_connection_test_20060312A01.Z IP
Mathematically speaking you can't have true C2 continuity across a plane of symmetry.Why not you say? Curvature is 1/radius. At the mirror plane the radius would have to be infinite, you need a flat line, not a spline to achieve this. You can have C1 continuity though. If your C1 icon disappears that's no problem, just click the "connect surfaces" icon to show it. It's still there.

PS: you can get very very close to C2 continuity by manipulating the curve,within manufacturing tolerance capabilities.
Thanks, I think I've managed to sort the problem I was
having out now - I was using secondary curves instead of selecting all four
curves at once.

With regard to C2 continuity across a plane of symmetry, surely this is
possible? As I understand it, as long as the curvature (and therefore the
radius) does not change across the plane, C2 continuity is maintained. For
example, a cylinder with the surface normal to the plane of symmetry, maintains
a constant radius. Hence the curvature is constant across the symmetry plane.
C2 just requires the rate of change of curvature to be constant, not
necessarily infinite.

You are correct about the cylinder, you are good. But that's a special case like a straight line. Although I'm not an industrial designer, I took a class fromBart Brejcha a few years ago to improve my ISDX skills. If you can mirror a spline with c2 continuity let me know and I'll go get my money back from him

