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sub folder file search


New member
Hello - I have some files sent to me by a customer where the assem file is in one directory and the parts for the assem are in multiple directories. When I try to open the assem it fails to load the files. Is there an option for pro to search other directories to find the needed files?


You need search_path statements in your

search_path c:\full\path\to\the\parts

You can also create a search path file that can either only the actual path statement, one per line, or the search path statements as above, one per line. Then put this in your

search_path_file c:\full\path\to\search\path\file
dgs -I added the main folder into the search path which did not work. would I have to add all (lets say 15 directories) to the search path or search path file.

Yep, that's what you have to do. It's pretty easy to generate a folder listing.

  1. <LI>Open a command prompt window and browse to the folder your assembly is in</LI>
    <LI>type this:</LI>

    1. <LI>dir /b /a:d ></LI>
    <LI>That will create a file called in that folder that contains the listing of all files and folders in that directory. The '/b' tells it to omit the file info like the date stamp, etc., the '/a:d' tells it to only find directories.</LI>
    <LI>Exit the command prompt</LI>
    <LI>Open the file in notepad and add in the full path ahead of each line, a simple paste operation.</LI>
If u merge all folders together the assembly should open correct. But probably u want to edit something and give back with correct folder structure so these option isnt the right one.

But if u yust want to view it u could try making a copy of all the folders and merge them in single folder.

I must learn how to work with sub-folders too. Dont know how yet. So i will try sugessted tips too.
Thanks dgs. I made the file the hard way (manually) before I got your post. Now I know the shortcut for next time.
You could use the following dos command to get the full path from a command prompt window

for /r /d %i in (*) do echo %i >>

Or in a batch file use

for /r /d %%i in (*) do echo %%i >>


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