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subtracting shapes from inside solids


New member
I assume this isn't possible. But it would be so useful if it were and it's just
so surprising to me that it appears not to be so have to check...

Is there any way to remove material from a solid other than be extruding
with the remove material option selected? In particular, I would like to do
something like being able to subtract a solid from another solid. I would
like to be able to make some parts that are hollow but with the shape of the
empty volume inside being different from the outside surface.
couldn't you make the inside shape using surfaces and then "solidify" with zero thickness to cut the inner volume away?

model the solid outer shape and then model the inner shape using surfaces to achieve the final look. easier said than done depending on your geometry I suppose. I attached a very simple model built this way but depending on your geometry this may be more of a chore..........

one other though way would be to model your outer shape and then model
your inner shape as a separate part. assemble the two parts and then
copy all of the surface geometry from the inner part into the new part
while inside the assembly. now the surface geometry is resident in
your solid part. haven't tried it but it seems to make sense.


Edited by: michaelpaul
Those would be the 2 main ways alright. The solidify command has an option to cut material away during the process, a very handy tool by the way.

The solidify tool would be applicable to both methods, whether you actually model the internal geo or copy it. The copy method has 2 options, you can simply copy the surface or full solid surfaces - or - you can use publish geo, both work fine except publish geo is an additonal module.

The other method is the cut out operation available through the assembly level, however i have rarely found need to use this feature.

I have the Tool design set Module and I use the Ref Part Cut-Out in Asembly.
It works well as long as the accuracy of the parts are the same.

But I agree with using solidy rather though as it is more robust.

