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Surface Creation from sketches


New member
Hi Guys

I am having problems creating a surface based on some sketches i have made. Im not entirely sure which creation tool i should be using so any help down to this level is appreciated.

I have attached a screenshot of the model and the sketches. I am basically wanting to join the base of the 4 legs with a horizontal (..ish) surface then thicken that up to make the central area of the unit.

Any pointers are appreciated! Thanks in advance!

A pic doesn't communicate enough to go with but if I assume ...
_ The shown sketches are on a common plane and can be replaced
with a single sketch.
_ The upper edges (shown sketches being 'lower') are similarly
planar and can be treated in the same way.
_ The four legs are solid bodies (vs. closed quilts).
... then I'd ...
_ Create a Fill surface coincident with the lower edges
(Use Edge projections if the existing sketches are a
closed loop so you don't have to recreate everything).
_ Same for upper edges.
_ Boundary blend (x 4) to fill the gaps.
_ Merge the individual surfaces into a single quilt.
_ Solidify to merge the quilt with the solid bodies.
(If the legs are quilts I think the only difference would
be additional Merge features instead of the Solidify.)

