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surface cutaways


New member
I'm attempting to make a custom cutaway for a iso-reference view (not a cross-section) using a surface. What I want to achieve is cutting away the shell of a tank and leaving the internal baffles intact.

I built the entire model and placed the cutaway at the end, meaning that it cut through everything. I then moved it up the model tree so that it would cut out the shell and the rest of the features would remain untouched.

As you can see below, they are still being touched. I can sometimes get the disired result by "editing the definition" and not actualy changing anything, but even when I do, they do not save in that state and return to the manner below.

View attachment 3475

I am using a swept surface and solidifying it to acheive my cutout. However, even though my baffles are placed after the cutout, they are also being cut by the solidify. I'm reletively new to this type of feature so there is probably a much better way to go about doing this. I know I could probably remedy this by rebuilding and adding the cutin sequence, but I'd like to know if there is a bigger problem at work here. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

(BTW, don't let the blue BG fool you, I am on WF2)
I am not sure what exactly the problem is, but it may be because your creating the cut in the assembly.

In a surface part you can get:

View attachment 3518

In assembly I would create a family table with an instance of the "box" with the cut and the baffles as a part that is patterned in the assembly, that should work...(it works in part mode: I created two instances (with and without) of my part an placed one of each in an assembly:

View attachment 3519
Unfortunatly, I can't do this becuase my "box" is in the assembly as the individual sheets that make it up. I have to keep it like this for my drawing because I need to list all of my piece parts in the same list.

I may end up just doing this anyway in a copy of the model, since this really is just for a ref view anyway. However, I would like to know if it's possible in one assembly because I would like it to update in all views if I have to make changes later.

Thanks for the help
You should be able to do it in assembly mode with the cutout at the end of the model tree. Just manually select the components to be cut instead of letting Pro/E automatically select the parts for intersection.


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