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surface knots on two boundary blends


New member
I've got two 4-sided boundary blends with a common edge. The constraint at
that edge is 'curvature' and everything solves nicely.

However, upon doing a surface knot analysis there is a problem: a surface
knot 'discontinuity' between the two surfaces. This shows up slightly when I
run a mean curvature analysis and I'd like to clean it up.

I was playing around with the surface edit feature in isdx tonight and
couldn't get quite right (although I feel as though I'm on the right path).

Any thoughts?
file here...

This is representative of the problem. Essentially I have
two blends, where the child blend takes up only part of
an edge of the other blend.

I don't want to create the whole surface and trim it away
because, in the real application, there would be many
such curves that do not represent design intent.
from WF 5.0 you can force child surface to match its knots to parent surface order

unfortunately you have to be an owner of ISDX license

