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Surface Merge help needed


New member

I am attempting to create an enclosed volume from copied and native proe surfaces (see image).

View attachment 4637


Copy surface from imported model (feat 16), offset surface 0.004" (feat 20) and extrude additional surfaces to enclose volume (feats 22, 34-37). Feature #22 profile is offset (0.125) from imported geometry (feat 21).


Feature 22 will not merge. I have tried numerous techniques but I am at a loss.

Any help will be greatly appreciated (see attached wf4 file).
at first glance ... that should work. My thinking process is to first look why the two surfaces don't merge.... maybe one quilt is not closed completely.

I believe if you crank down the tolerance to .0003 or so it would merge.... opps... the other way. It merges if you crank the tolerance the other direction.

I set it to .0025 and it worked. I love problems like this.
Edited by: design-engine
you dont need to loosen your accuracy.

You just have to find out "why and where" the surf wont merge, in this case there are 2 areas that creates "tiny edges":

View attachment 4639

When you know that, you can cut thru the surf that creates these problems, and build new boundaryblends "at the same place" . (here is your problem area and the cuts i made:

View attachment 4640

Then, build new BB surfaces at the same place, merge the with the curved surface, and then you can merge all together.

Edited by: tobbo
Here is a closeup of ONE of the 2 "problem areas" . As i described, i made a cut, bulid a new BB surf, and for making it easier for me to explain i colored the patches in 2 diffrent colors.

Where the arrow are pointing , thats where the surf intersect with the otherone, and thats where the problems starts...

View attachment 4641


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