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Surface patch creation

You can merge more than two surfaces in one feature if the surfaces do not overlap, i.e. when merge does not have to trim the surfaces. That's my experience of it anyway.
As m-d-e says, you can merge if they are "join" merges.... Not while doing a "intersect" merge.

(was a new feature in wf4)

are they intersecting in this example? i could reduce the merges into 2. but not one in this case.(order of pre-selection is also important)

Edited by: solidworm
Sorry, i cant see the files you uploaded, is it perhaps WF5?? (dont have it here at the moment) .

Dear solidworm,
Thanks for your kind helps.But unfortunately I could not open your files.Are you working with wf5?
This will be a bottle or jar.I am a glass and glass mold desigmer(a very old one)I have worked for glass industry for 35 years.Now I am retired and make my own designs.
yes it's a wildfire 5.0 file. the patch is made using a variable section sweep.
I'll install WF4.0 and get back.
i ran out of space! so i couldn't install WF4. i captured a video instead.
the result looks good but it cant be shelled. because the corner is a degenerate surface. i'll try to patch it using a trimmed back 4 sided surface. but this is hard!
here's the video (at 2:00, if i don't delete that line, sweep will fail)

here's a ProE nuetral file, with a 4 sided patch but still fails to shell.

do you need to shell it? or the inside surface is something else?

Edited by: solidworm
Dear Solidworm,
I don't know what I am going to say.You are a good man thank you very much.Yes I need to shell it.To do this first I will complete the upper and lower sides with a jar form and I will keep going using your way.Do you mind if I ask some more questions.I am sure you are an expert.
Best regards and thanks again.
thanks for your kind words. i don't consider myself as a proe expert but ask your questions, me and everyone else here will try to answer them.
that type of model... building a patch in that fashion is difficult for a number of reasons. One your technique to creating the geometry sets you up to fill in the remaining geometry. Notice the edges are tangent on the four panels. This is also poor form while your setting yourself up for difficulty or failure. A better approach will be to first create the surface you intend for fill first. Then generate the other (your patterned geometry) secondary.

Things merge nicely this way as well.

Now shell it your going to ask?
Edited by: design-engine
for shelling, Wildfire 5.0 did a great job. i did it this way (on the neutral file in previous page)
copy and paste solid surfaces,offset them to the required distance with control fit option checked, select the resulting surface, apply solidify feature and cut the inner portion of the offset surface.
here's the result. (ProE neutral file)

here's a wild 10mm shell! (wildfire is really WILD! i hope they don't change the name in future) what should be the shell thickness?

Edited by: solidworm


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