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SW’08 crashes when viewing thumbnails

Sean Costall

New member
Hi all,

We have been having persistent problems with SW'08 crashing on us.

For hardware, we've tried four existing machines and one brand-new Dell. Three machines are gold-class compatible; we know the hardware is more than adequate.

For OS/software, the new machine had SW'09 installed straight out of the box, without any other applications. It also crashes. So it's not a conflict with other software, unless Dell ships something that's problematic.

While trying to narrow down the problem, we found that one machine was perfect while the others had problems. Turns out that our primary CAD user usually keeps Explorer open in "Thumbnail" viewing mode next to SW, while the secondary user did not. When we tried thumbnail view on the 'good' machine, it too would crash.

- if we use Windows Explorer in thumbnail view mode next to SW, Explorer will crash.
- if we do not use thumbnail view mode, things are fine.
- if we select "Do not cache thumbnails" in Explorer, the problem is improved (a bit).

I've looked everywhere I can think of and I have not found anyone reporting this problem. Are we the only ones? Can anyone else replicate this problem?

edit: I originally said SW 2009 - we're actually using 2008.

Edited by: Sean Costall
Do you use SW Explorer? We had similar issues, and found that it was a conflict with SW explorer and Windows explorer. We removed SW Explorer (which never worked properly for us anyway) and our issues went away. Another symptom was not being able to scroll in windows explorer to attach files to email through outlook. This also went away when we dumped SW Explorer.
I Have had issues with 2008 and 2009 hanging when I hit Ctrl+tab to cycle through active documents. If I hold it down until thumbnails pop up, I *generally* don"t have any problems. I understand that SW Explorer and SW Document switching are related, so I would agree with hbrown regarding removal of SW Explorer. I have not removed SW Explorer yet, as I am hoping for another solution. I have also noticed unbearably slow performance whiile using windows explorer in thumbnail mode, so I tend to (unfortunately) avoid viewing thumbnails.

Machine is Mac Pro, quad 2.66ghz Xeon, 5gb RAM, Quadro FX 4500, running XP Pro x64 native (no boot camp, separate 10k drive).

I had no such issues with 2007, document switching was crisp and responsive.

Also, I have had one other issue when accessing the file menu in SW; namely the longer the program has been running, the longer it takes for the file menu to respond, and eventually it will crash the program. This has benn an issue since 2006, but it is limited to my installations on Macs. The Ctrl+tab issue isn't limited to Mac or PC

