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Sweep Cut using a SOLID on a 3D path

Its notreally self explanitory. What pointers or tips are you looking for? Your not giving us a problem or asking a question. What are you making? What are you trying to achieve?
Can anybody give any inputs..? the subject is self explanatory.

It can be done as part of the BMX software. The example I remember seeing was of an auto suspension, where the excursion of the wheel swept a volume that was captured.
Dear Glenn,

What you are saying is the part created as an envelope of the mechanism.

I am looking at that too only I am a bit skeptical about using for the above case since the roller on the indexer will move in an arc. However will try tomorrow and gain peace of mind.
CPiotrowski said:
Its notreally self explanitory.
Sorry to assume...

I have a part which has a 3D curve on it. I need to cut a groove along the path in such a way that the axis of the a solid (say a milling cutter) is oriented about the axis. For a more pointed understanding of the problem please refer to the following link. Though this is a particular problem, I am looking at a general solution hence a new post.

[url] 867&PN=1[/url]
Dear Srini,

I did not try this by mysefl, but I've discussed this issue with some
colleagues about half a year ago. I suggest use of MDX (Mechanism Design
Extension) module. In mechanism mode simulate movement of the "tool" body
along 3D Path and create movement envelope. Movement envelope can be saved
as a Pro/E part and used for cut-out process in assembly.

Pablo Ulloa

This topic was derived from problem on Globoidal Cam.

I tried Motion envelope does not solve your particular problem bacause you will get a solid of arc motion of the roller.

Anyway I have posted the solution in the original post.

I am still looking to some solution without using MDX and using only Foundation.
Let me try this way.

The same problem i faced recently.

i have done it using Adv Foundation only. The procedure i followed is as follows

through the curve i created a VSS (Surface)with a circle as cross section(Circle dia is equal to the Cutter dia). then i intersected the circle with the base geometry so you will get two parallel curves.

then use boundary blend and create a surface between these two curves (usecontrol points to avoid twist between these two curves).

Now add thickness to that surface better to give both sides so that itcan remove all the material.

I hope you peapole can understand what i am trying to say.

