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Sweep tool.


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Multi Trajectory Sweep tool question. PTC Calls the VSS tool. Where is merge ends hiding. Guess I should know that but I always use the surface option listed of the solid cut option and extend surfaces.

Edited by: design-engine
> Multi Trajectory Sweep tool question.
> PTC Calls the VSS tool.
> Where is merge ends hiding.

This is a Pro/E forum and most of us know what a VSS is. The
Variable Section Sweep does not require multiple trajectories
and it's more than a simple multiple trajectory sweep tool.

Now, in lucid terms for those of us that have to wait 'til after
Tom Brokaw, what is it that you'd like to know?
merge ends was a way in the old sweep tool that would sort of extend the surface past the solid block. Where is the 2001 merge ends option in the new VSS tool. I was trying to say the tool PTC got the name backwards.

I really want to know but I posted this question in Fridays class to share mcadcentral as a resource I use when I get stuck.

Where do you work Jeff?

Edited by: design-engine
> to share mcadcentral as a resource I use when I get stuck.

That's a good tip and demonstrated a couple of worthwhile points to boot...
You have to work at getting good info on the litter strewn Disinformation
Highway and the best way to get a concise answer is to ask a concise question.

I hope you also stressed that good forum etiquette begs the use of other
resources like Help...
Part / Base Features / Variable Section Sweep / About the VSS User Interface:
"Merge ends check box - Merge the ends ..."
... before posting.

> PTC got the name backwards

I guess I'm missing the point of view. It's a variable (not multiple) section
sweep function. Multiple trajectories are not required to vary the section nor
are additional trajectories limited to dragging section vertices around when
they are used. So as long as we're swapping opinions; to characterize (and
teach?) it as a simple multiple trajectory sweep that PTC, for some reason,
calls VSS is a light treatment of a pretty sophisticated function.
I am referring to the wf3.0 'Insert' 'Swept Blend' vs 'Insert' 'Variable Section Sweep' tools. I try to word the question as carefully as possible. Maybe a picture is in order but ... merge ends.... vss.....

> PTC got the name backwards
One is a multiple trajectory tool that allows one section. The other allows multiple sections across one trajectory. I noticed PTC got the names mixed up.... or so someone on the forum suggested a month or so back.

So my question is.... where is the 2001 tool that extended the swept cut past the solid geometry. In the Legacy tool the option was 'Merge Ends'. With the new VSS how does one Merge thru the ends of the solid geometry.

Edited by: design-engine
There are three things possible:

  1. <LI>Swept Blend - Multiple sections. Section entities can change types (from arc to line for example). I think there needs to be the same number of entities in each section, but that may not be true anymore.</LI>
    <LI>Variable Section Sweep - Uses a single section, but that section can vary greatly in size and shape along the trajectory. A line will always be a line, but it may grow or shrink in length and change angle. Thank a square to a rectangle to a trapezoid to a parallelogram.</LI>
    <LI>Constant Section Sweep - Uses a single section that cannot change size or shape. A square is a square is a square at any point along the trajectory. Can be made with the old sweep tool (insert - sweep) or by selecting the 'constant section' pick in the VSS toolas shown above. The latter method gives you the flexibility to change to variable later.</LI>

I would say that 'variable' is the appropriate term here.
I don't see that 'merge ends' pick either, but I'm using WF3 right now. Did they 'enhance' it in WF3 and either take it away or move it somewhere else?
As in 2001, Merge Ends is available when connecting to solid surfaces. As described in the help if you set the option to Constant section, and your trajectory is planar, then you will get a Merge Ends checkbox in the options panel

