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Sweeping Solids?


New member
Hello All,

This is my first post and I am a ProE Newbie so please be gentle

My question is: With ProE can an already created solid be swept along a trajectory to create a new solid?

My reason for requiring this is that I need to create cutter path geometry and I cannot think of any other way to do it.

All help appreciated.

Thanks Steve.
sanstey if you are talking about pro/ manufacturing. i think there is an option for doing this kind of operation.

and if this is for solid modeling. then yes we can use already made sweep feature to make a new sweep feature
Look at it this way. Assuming that the cutter is a rotary cutter, you can use a sketch of the cutter (e.g. a ball nose cutter will have a U-shape) and then seep the sketch. Creating a solid may not be necessary.
Thanks to you both for your comments.

For clarification I am trying to model this feature and am not using the manufacturing module.

Unfortunately sweeping a sketched profile does not work. Though it's very difficult to explain why without pictures.

I will create some pictures and get back to you.


I am having a similar situation, I think...

I want to model the slot that would be created if a ball nose end mill was run along a ZX curve, but remained vertical. Hard to explain but I will try.

The end-mill starts at X 0.0 , Y 0.0, Z -1.0, then while staying vertical, does a radius which brings it to X 1.0, Y0.0, Z0.0. Travels to X2.0, then radius down to X3.0, Y0.0, Z -1.0

Making any sense?
bretonh said:
Here's a picture of what I mean, I want the blue end-mill to follow the red curve

Redraw the curve at the center of the ball mill's sphere and make a swept cut; the profile would be a circlecentered about the new path and normal to the trajectory.

To move the curve, you would simply need to move it upwards in Z+ by the radius of the ball mill.
bretonh said:
Here's a picture of what I mean, I
want the blue end-mill to follow the red curve
Model the cutter. define a point at the nose of the
Define the cutter path. Define a mechanism for the cutter
to follow the path. Create a solid (The solid will be
jagged and can give you jagged surfaces even at a quality
Subtract the solid thus created from your part.
There was an earlier discussion on a similar topic that
is to get a helical MILLED groove using an End mill
A study of the link will also help.
<a href="
<br / target="_blank">sp?

