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sweeps in 3D and a boundary blend problem


New member
I am having trouble with a feature that used to work for me in WF2 and previous versions of Pro.

I created two different datum sketches in parallel planes (the second set was a copy of the first set). Then I connected them with datum curves which followed a radius as well as a change in elevation between the two planes (I applied tangency constraints at both ends of these curves). The part looks as follows:


For some reason Pro won't let me sweep a protrusion along the curves that are turning and dropping (although as long as I stay in the plane it works fine). I do not remember this being an issue in the past. Any ideas?

I also have a second issue that is driving me nuts. I tried to create a similar feature using a boundary blend. I inserted the sweeps in both flat planes as shown below and then tried to connect the two edges using a blend. Both boundaries are identically shaped, and I applied a normal constraint to both edges (normal to the face of the shape). It was working great and the preview looked like it would work:


But when I executed the feature it kind of threw up on me:


Any ideas here?
Edited by: lindejos
humm??? Would be nice to see the model.
looks rather proprietary. Do you have
the same number of curve entities on each end of the sweep? Maybe the solution (or a way to deduct to
get to your solution) will be to sweep it in parts forcing tangency where needed?
I am uploading the part file it's just a fan, not proprietary at all.

There are three curves that define the sweep before the questionable trajectory and three curves after the questionable trajectory.

I tried sweeping them seperately (top, bottom and then the joining curve), but the joining datum curves were still considered invalid trajectories.

Thanks for the quick reply.
Both should work just fine with a swept blend with the same number of entities in each sketch. The second pictures obviously didnt follow a trajectory, it looks like it went from shape to shape with a twist. Swept blend is the right feature, you just have to get it right is all. will always get an invalid trajectory when trying to do a simple sweep on a curve thru points. In this case you must use sweptblend.
Edited by: CPiotrowski
Here is your completed using a variable section

You should never use the sweep command, you should always use the VSS command instead cause you can do everything in it that you can do in the sweep command plus you can always change from surface to solid to cut.....

I selected the trajectory using 1 by 1 selection technique and then placed the racetrack sketch from the sketcher pallete and dimensioned it according to the way you had yours.

Hope these suggestions help
Thanks! I have never used a variable section sweep before. Now that I know, I will rely on them in the future!
I just went through this wondering why the hell a Sweep Protrusion
considered my nice simply trajectory invalid, found this thread, tried a VSS
and presto life was good again.

Why in the world does Pro/E have Sweep if VSS works better and is every bit
as easy to do?
maybe the sweep command is a debris from older proe versions, when hitler was still a private or maybe a conscript ;)

Edited by: solidworm

