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swept blend problem


New member
Basically I have a IGES solid structure of cylinder.

On top of that, I want to perform a swept or blend to make a extended tunnel.

The line connecting two circles should be smoothe.

I've been trying for a week but I couldn't find how to do this.

Can some one help me with this?

I 've attached a picture
counter sink screw?

You mean the look of it?

I have the cylinder as a IGES solid file.. which was made in other cad programs.

Was that your question?

Thank you.
Hello sip,

I can't use proe right now so I can't checek the file.

Can I look at it and reply tomorrow?

May I PM you?

Thank you.
Hey sip

Just in case you didn't get the PM yet, the blend you did was exactly what I wanted!

Is it possible for you to tell me the steps leading to make one that you made?

I really need a basic :)

Thank you

Have a nice Thanksgiving
Hi, start with the revolve toolView attachment 4486

pick a sketch plane

once in sketcher, create a center line.

sketch half of the section on one side of the center line. For solid protrusion sketch must be closed, for surface can be open.

create dim like this for dia values: pick entity>pick ctr line> pick entity agian> MMB>place dimension

When finished exit sketcher.

you can give angular value if you want to make only half a sweep.

finish feature

Hope that's enough to get you going.


