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switch dimension "k" in sketcher



I am just trying to duplicate a sketch that a colleague drew for another model . I have been successful in drawing the sketch and it is fully constrained. Now, my colleague's skectch has an additional dimension on the fully constrained sketch ( it is not a reference dimension). This dimension is between the edge of a copygeom feature (reference) and a center line (reference). Also when i switch dimensions the rest of my dimensions show with prefix "sd" but this shows as "k". What does this mean and how do i create this dimension .

Please do let me know
It's a Known Dimension between two Sketcher Reference entities.
To create it simply pick the Reference entities as you would any other.
(Help says; "Ensure that the Intent Manager is OFF ...". I'm not sure
why. I never turn Intent Manager off and they work.)

Look for Sketcher relations referencing the kd. That's their purpose in life.

Edited by: jeff4136
The k is for "known" dimension. It is created with the Sketcher Intent Manager turned off. Select Dimension in the menu and then Known. What this is doing is giving you dimension information for geometry that has already been created. From what I can tell form your description without seeing the model, the dimension is created either between the edge and a datum plane that is inline with the centerline or it could be that a axis was created and the dimension was created between the edge and the axis.

Are you picking model entities to dimension vs. Sketcher Reference entities? I'm still wondering why Intent Manager OFF.

.... Ok! I see. Known Dimension isn't on the menu with Intent Manager ON?
FWIW, that's a long way around to get there. You can just click the Dimension tool button and pick two Reference entities (or 'projectable' model entities, just tried it; cool I guess but that 'auto reference stuff gives me fits) and a kd will be created.

Yes, that wasone of thereasons for turning Intent Manager off. I'm using both WF2 and WF3. In WF3 it allows you to create the dimension the way you described with Intent Manager on. But in WF2, it gave me a message that this dimension is not allowed when trying to create it with Intent Manager on which is the other reason for turning Intent Manager off. I'll have to check at work, but I believe I was selecting a datum plane and model edge or surface.
Maybe this is a dumb question, but why are you trying to duplicate the sketch? Why dont you just save the sketch in his model and then import it into your part.
I guess I was picking things incorrectly because now I'm able to create a known dimension with Intent Manager on in WF2.
Hi all

Thanks forall the responses. It worked.I did not even have toturn off intent manager in this case.

Csusie, yes icould have done that but i wanted to know what "k" really meant

Thanks again


