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Hi there,

I have a quite big .prt file, which contains several protrusion cuts etc and I would like to know if it is possible to create a symetrical part without having to change the included features on an individual basis.

The .prt file is the right wing and I would like to create the left wing.


Edited by: glue
Hey Glue,

Try this : Create an assembly file and insert your right wing part. Then within the assembly click on " create component in assembly mode " ( icon should be on your right hand side menu`s, looks like it has a piece of paper on it ). When prompted to name your part, select the Mirror option. The you pick your right wing part and select a datum plane to mirrir about. Once it has mirrored, the new part will be displayed in your assembly tree. Click on that model and open it, once open save this model. You can then close the assembly without saving etc and your new mirrored part will be available.

Sorry if I have read your question wrong. Do you mean you want the left hand part to automatically change when you change features on the right hand model ?
Excellent skint, thanks for this prompt answer, it is exactly what I was looking for.
Hey lads, hows things!

Hows you aircraft coming along glue, got any screen shots you can share with us. or are you keeping it hidden for the big event???

Hi mcgowamp,

Things are advancing good, I now have an .asm file with left/right wing and centre wing box. Im also contacting Resin/Fibres Manufacturer to get the required mechanical properties (density, Young Modulus, Poisson Ratio) and next week I will probably test it inside mechanica. Screenshot will be available monday
Thanks for your help!

