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system color file (.syscol)


New member
Does anyone know where to put the system color file (.syscol) so it opens automatically when ProE opens? I keep getting a default set up when I open ProE, but I want my color choices to load automatically. Currently I have this file stored in the folder:

C:\Program Files\proe2001\bin

I also have my drawing set up file located in the same folder, and it loads just fine.
Hi Charleskim,

I did this already several times, and even experimented bymovingthe fileto other foldersand pointing to the location(such as the same folder as my file). I keep getting the initial system color settings, however, when I open ProE (all black or white color buttons).
Usually in the main hard drive, such as:

C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\

This (C) drive also contains the (Program Files), where ProE is found.The (Documents and Settings) folder isnot within the (Program Files).
Did you make sure this '' is the last one that gets loaded?

In ProE, goto Utilities > Options, find 'system_color_file' and make sure it is using correct file.

Yeah, it is pointing to the correct system color file in

But for some reason it will not open this file whenProE is started. It keeps resorting back to the"initial" color file, where all the buttons are either black or white.

When you say "make is loaded last", what do you mean?

ProE will load in this order.
1. in C:\Program Files\proe2001\bin
2. in Home (set this with environment i.e. home = c:\proe stuff\
3. in Startin folder (from Properties of ProE icon)

Reading back you original request, are you referring to '' or 'syscol.scl' is for colors you can assign to parts.
syscol.scl is for background color and etc.

I am referring to the 'syscol.scl' file. It rests within the drive:

C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents

In fact, the '' file, the 'window drawing.dtl' file, and the '' file all rest here. I have no problems with the 'window drawing.dtl' file or the '' file.

