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system color file (.syscol)


New member
Does anyone know how to make sure my system colors file (.syscol) loads automatically every time I start ProE? We had a company-wide server crash several weeks ago and I haven't been able to get this restored?
I had already done that. In fact, I had to create another new drawing setup file in addition to the system colors file. Both rest in the same folder. The drawing setup file loads just fine, the system colors file will not.
When you say "startup folder" I assume you mean the folder located in the windows button: Start/All Programs/Startup

If so, then this did not work either. Thanks for the effort.

I mean startup folder is folder from which start Pro/engineer

by me, where haveI my, and other config files

Good luck
right click on the pro e icon go to properties and look at the start in tab mine says


put folder in that location

i also think you need a config option turned on

to tell it to grab that as it starts up

put this


in your config.sup then type the path or browse to it ie...


