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Taking a long time to save a file


New member
We just upgraded from WF1 to WF3. What used to takeabout one secondto save a 600K file, now take 10-15 seconds. Is there a new confog option to remedy this? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I just got of the phone with PTC's support. After about 40 minutes, they couldn't solve my problem, and created a call number. Surprise, Surprise.

I did notice one thing this morning though. I get to work out of my home 3 days a week, therefore I transfer the computer to and from work. To make life easier, I check out a license before I leave work. That way, I can use Proe without being connecting to he license server. Today, I booted my computer without connecting my Lan card to the internet. Guess what? Proe saved a 13meg file in about 3 seconds. I then shut down, made the LAN connection, and rebooted. This time it took about 1 1/2 minutes to save the same file.

I guess a temporary solution, if you can do it, is to copy all the required Proe files to your local hard drive, check outa license, then re-boot your computer without connecting to the network and work off of your local hard drive.
No they don't have family tabls in them. I even tried making just a block with 2 holes and it still took 20 seconds to save a 16K file. I have noticed one thing:

This happens when I am working at my house. I remote in to my company's network, then "borrow" a license. If I stay connected to the network a file can be saved in 5-10 seconds. If I disconnect the line to mynetwork card and re-boot, the file saves almost instantly using the "borrowed" license. If I connect the line to my network card so I can get to the internet, but do not connect to my company's network, the same file takes 20-30 seconds to save and I noticed all of the lights on my home's network hub flash like crazy.

It seems that the "borrowed" liscense still tries to seek the license server, even though it shouldn't. The "borrowed" license was supposed to be a way of running Proe without being connected to the license server, but it seems like they have some more work to do to get it to work properly.

I called tech support and told them about this. They are trying to create the same scenerio and see if I was right.
Two things. There is a option for checking duplicate names, cannot remember the option off the top of my head, make sure that is set to no, for some reason it is yes by default and can make things churn and churn.

Second I know this sounds really wacky but this has worked for me with the shared license issue but for some darn reason it needs a protocol installed, go to your network adapter that you are using, than check the protocols with it. make sure that you have the NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBios Compatible Transport. I don't ask but had two laptops that one ran fine the other wouldnt, the only difference was this, I installed it and it worked.
Are there files within your dataset that are trying to be saved back to the network? I'm sure your datasets are local, but there may be files that are trying to be saved back to the network. Forexample are there library parts that are tryingto be saved(even though they shouldn't be)?

Where does your trail file directory point to? Is that trying to write back to the network drive? You may have to set your trail file directory to something such as C\temp.
I'm using Windchill, so I don't know if it's the same or not, but since Intralink 8.0 and Windchill 8.0 are slowly merging...

One of the key factors that can slow down your saves and checking in is your firewall and virus scan at home. If your's is set to scan all outgoing traffic (e-mail for example, it could be slowing down your connection).

Also, I'm not familiar with how Intralink works, but in Windchill, we check things out to a "workspace" then open things into session, and when we save, it goes to the workspace (which essentially resides on your machine). There is a process (and I believe config setting, but I'm not totally sure) when you save, you can either just save, or save and upload. The "upload" will send the current data to the server (there is a server side workspace). This doesn't check in the data, just places the current information in your server side workspace. The upload process can be time consuming, so I don't do it every time I save, just periodically.

Also, assuming this isn't just a Windchill thing, upon check-in, we have the option to create a Product View viewable. This is also time consuming. If you have the same deal, don't "checkin-in with viewable, just models".

The firewall/virus scan isn't Intralink or Windchill specific, the other two may be.

