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team A (Kiran) (sanjeev) (mehtab) (skint)


New member
hi guys i am starting this thread for our team

suggest a team leader (i propose my name)

suggest a good name for the teamand add images and ideas of a computer.

best of luck to you all.
with ref. to mehtab's PM he is willing to work on CPU

i have got no problem in that.

guys pleae give your comments and suggesions

i can work on mouse and keyboard

Just an Idea...

Why dont your team integrate the monitor, CPU and Key board into one unit( key board should be wireless and should come out of a compartment provided in the unit....?

These days with LCD monitors, the space requirement is very less + you can eliminate the wires...

The choise is yours...
not a bad idea srini

can work on it too

it depends upon the other team member how they want the computer to be

thanks a lot for the idea anyways
The Idea was nice sanjeev, Thanks to srini.

Why dont we explore different Concepts

Concept 1

Mnitor, CPU seperate models

I think mehtab can take care of these.


Integral monitor with CPU as per ur suggession. Better u take up this


Integral monitor with CPU as CPU is as a base for the monitor. I will take up this one.

if anybody got time inbetweentheycanwork on speakers, Table and chair ... etc

Please share ur opinions
hi everyone

image 2 looks nice

will post ideas/ suggestions later in the evening.

Have fun guys
thats nice idea kiran

so we will have to model cpu and monitor .... keyboard and mouse will be same for all options

and we need another concept for SKINT
Hey Guys, My apologies I had to work away for a few days

Seems like you guys are all taking care of keyboards, mice & cpu`s etc... so I will start to think of some designs for chairs/tables etc...and some details. I will get started as soon as I can, presume I am a little late, when does the time scale end
Forget about the time scale. Whenever you get leisure time you work on it. Its not compulsary to work all the people in the team. Whoever got time they will work but be communicate each other. This is just for fun Boss.
Apologies to this team for my lack of input. Work gets in the way at the wrong times doesnt it

It looks as though everyone else had similar issues though as nothing submitted from team A ..maybe next time eh !

CONGRATS to Dojo and Magneplanar for both of thier efforts in making this comp happen though


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