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Okay guys here's the situation. I have a tube wraped around another one. I believe I used a protrusion for the inner one and a sweep for the one wrapped around the inner one....I am making a turbo housing...sort of...I can't be to specific but it needs to resemble a turbo...anyway...the problem:
The inner and outer are connected via a hole which is higlighted in red. by just cutting a hole like I have done I have created a gapbetween the two tubes. I need to fill in the gap. I thought I could simply use a variable sweep from the outer circumfrence of the hole on the inner tube to the outer edges of the remnants of the hole on the outer tube. I couldn't get it.....Also I could do an extrusion and then cut the extra but I don't like that option.......How can I seal the hole but not block any passage ways....Thanks guys.....if anyone has any turbo models please send them to [email protected] I would appreciate it along with any help. Thanks!!!
View attachment 2578
The inner and outer are connected via a hole which is higlighted in red. by just cutting a hole like I have done I have created a gapbetween the two tubes. I need to fill in the gap. I thought I could simply use a variable sweep from the outer circumfrence of the hole on the inner tube to the outer edges of the remnants of the hole on the outer tube. I couldn't get it.....Also I could do an extrusion and then cut the extra but I don't like that option.......How can I seal the hole but not block any passage ways....Thanks guys.....if anyone has any turbo models please send them to [email protected] I would appreciate it along with any help. Thanks!!!
View attachment 2578