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techniques to fill in gap (turbo housing)


New member
Okay guys here's the situation. I have a tube wraped around another one. I believe I used a protrusion for the inner one and a sweep for the one wrapped around the inner one....I am making a turbo housing...sort of...I can't be to specific but it needs to resemble a turbo...anyway...the problem:

The inner and outer are connected via a hole which is higlighted in red. by just cutting a hole like I have done I have created a gapbetween the two tubes. I need to fill in the gap. I thought I could simply use a variable sweep from the outer circumfrence of the hole on the inner tube to the outer edges of the remnants of the hole on the outer tube. I couldn't get it.....Also I could do an extrusion and then cut the extra but I don't like that option.......How can I seal the hole but not block any passage ways....Thanks guys.....if anyone has any turbo models please send them to [email protected] I would appreciate it along with any help. Thanks!!!

View attachment 2578
Go into insertmode before the hole and create copied surfaces of the insides of the tube. Then resume the hole and create a surface for the OD and ID of the connecting tube, making one or the other surfaces equal to the hole depending on if it is the ID or OD. Merge the surfaces together and solidify. I am sending you a part to show what I did.
the part you sent wouldn't open up for me.

I might need clarification on your instructions.....when you say copied surfaces of the insides of the tubes doyou mean extrusions? I am thinking you want me to make two extrusions (one matching the dimensions of the hole in the "upper" tube, the other matching the lower tubes hole) then extrude them towards the same datum or commonpoint(between the two tubes) and merge them together......

I just returned from six flags and I am to exhausted to open up wildfire right now. Isaw your reply and mail and wanted to thank THANK YOU!

I will have a go at what I stated in this post unless you have a free opportunity to tell me that I am misunderstanding your reply. again thank you.....

