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Text on cylinderical face


New member
I've read some of the previous post, but still cant sort this out.

How can I engrave text around a cylinder so that the text height is always of constant size around the diameter of the part. (Similar to this first picture).This was done by edit/wrap, but I cant seem to protrude it.

View attachment 1787

Using the methods from from the ptc website ( is squashing the text height down as the text is projected onto the cyliderical surface

View attachment 1788

Sorry about picture size's I don't know how to make them smaller (using MS PAINT)

Thank in advance, HB (WF2)
Think I have worked it out now. I followed the but wrapped the original text sketch around the cylinder and then copied the edges of this text back on to the flat sketch plane. This creates the text to be reducing in text height at the text moves further away from the centre line but now on the flat sketch plane. Then followed the rest of the method from the link. I believe now this text height is correct to how it would beactually engraved on a machine with 4th axis rotation.

View attachment 1797

Cheer's HB
I am not sure how to do it in WF, but in 2001 and earlier I think this could be done using an Area Offset. That is a surfacing tool, so you may have to make a surface copy, then wrap the text onto the surface, then do the Area Offset, and finally solidfy the text.

The extrusion in the image above doesn't look like it's true to the cylinderical surface. If this is done on a 4-axis machine, it would be.

If this is a plastic molded part, then it would have to be in the line of draw for the mold opening.

This topic has been beat to death, but I still haven't found an easy way to wrap text around a cylinder, and have it be extruded perpendicular to the cylinderical surface. Seems like it should be so simple!

